Sunday, February 01, 2009


1. 事业永远第一 (Career No.1)
2. 别把钱看得太重 (Don't be too calculative)
3. 学会体谅父母 (Understand parent)
4. 交上好朋友 (Build good relationship with friend)
5. 别太相信爱情 (Don't too believe love)
6. 别担心至今还保留初吻 (Don't upset still keeping first kiss)
7. 不要沉迷任何东西 (Don't wallow on anything)
8. 年轻没有失败 (Never give up)
9. 不要轻易崇拜或鄙视一个人 (Don't easily worship or look down on someone)
10.要有责任心 (Be responsible)
11. 外貌并不重要 (Outlook is not important)
12. 学会保护身体 (Keep good health)
13. 别觉得一事无成 (Don't feel negatively)
14. 认真工作 (Work diligently)
15. 认真对待感情 (Be honest in relationship)
16. 留一点童心 (Keep childhood life)